Usage Indication
Shanyathorn the digestive herbal common-household medicine everyone should have in their homes Let us tell you more about digestive herbal-based common-household medicine called Shanyathorn. All digestive-related common-household medicines in the market may have similar main ingredients, however, they are not all the same in their properties and effectiveness. The key differences are the supportive ingredients. The common saying is “Different folks, different formulas”. Also important is how the medicine tastes. Without further ado, lets us tell you more about Shanyathorn its ingredients, how it works and its effectiveness.
First, let talk about its ingredients. Shanyathorn has the following ingredients: Licorice, Cinnamon, Cinnamomum porrectum, Cinnamomum bejolghota, Cardamom, Clove, Star anise, Camphor and Menthol. As you can see Shanyathorn has many ingredients. A closer examination of the ingredients you will find 2 key ingredients called Licorice and Cinnamon. Each of these 2 ingredients plays an important role. Licorice gives a uniquely sweeter taste making it more palatable. Cinnamon creates a protective coating that keeps the acid from damaging the valve between your esophagus and your stomach. Apart from the 2 key ingredients, there 2 supportive ingredients worth mentioning: Camphor and Menthol. These ingredients help eliminate gas due to indigestion. Patients who take other common digestive folk medicine without these 2 ingredients will usually find themselves feeling bloated and pain in their stomachs. Lastly, the other supportive ingredients, together they enhance the delivery mechanism and also maximize the effectiveness of the medicine. Of course, the most important thing is how the ingredients are formulated. Our well-guarded formula took many years of careful research which makes Shanyathorn the most effective digestive herbal medicine in the market.
How to use our medicine to help relieve GERD symptoms ?
If you want quick relief from GERD symptoms, taking 15 – 30 cc of our medication should be sufficient. However, it is important that while you are taking the medication, you change your eating habits and avoid anything that can induce the symptoms. If you don’t change your eating habits, the symptoms may not go away. Even worse, you may end up making GERD symptoms more serious.
How to use our medicine to help relieve other digestive problems?
Besides GERD symptoms, Shanyathorn can also be used to relieve other symptoms such as cough, sore throat, constipation, and other digestive-related symptoms. Depending on the symptoms, the dose amount required will be different from the dose you take for GERD. For example, if you want relief from a sore throat, you will only need to take 15 cc or less of the medicine (less than or equal to the minimum dose for GERD). Other digestive problems may require more dose amount than the maximum required for GERD. To find out the proper dosage you need to take to relieve other symptoms, please consult our experts.